
By the time I got back to the car, a half hour had passed. Despite promising to be quick, Mr. Lunder had savored violating me. Now I was late for school. My body shuddered as I relived the sensation of being pinned down. I wanted to shower and wash the experience from my mind, but there was no longer time. I couldn't afford to be late to school. Extra attention was the last thing a girl needed on her 18th birthday. I knew my birthday would lead to heightened interest in me at school. If I didn't show up on time, friends would talk and people would think I'd skipped out. Girls had tried running before, and they always got caught. Sometimes judges were lenient with first time offenders, but not always. Mom looked me over when I entered the car, then pulled me into a hug, "Oh Jessie, I can't believe he did this to you." I returned the hug, but I knew she was lying. I wasn't naïve enough to think a man like Mr. Lunder hadn't done anything to my mom. I knew it was selfish, but I couldn't he